Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 28.12.2014


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Марс Инк., корпорация штата Делавэр (US)



NICE Classification

  • консервированные;
  • мороженые;
  • сушеные;
  • вареные;
  • печеные и жареные фрукты;
  • овощи и картофель;
  • сушеные пряно-вкусовые травы;
  • свежие;
  • мороженые и консервированные мясо;
  • рыба;
  • птица и дичь;
  • продукты морского промысла;
  • включенные в 29 класс;
  • супы;
  • молоко;
  • молочные продукты;
  • включая масло;
  • сыр;
  • сливки;
  • йогурт;
  • творог;
  • пахтанье;
  • кефир;
  • сладкий творог с мускатным орехом и сливками;
  • напитки на основе молока;
  • конфитюры;
  • джемы;
  • варенья;
  • пикули;
  • пищевые масла и жиры;
  • готовые пищевые продукты из белковых веществ;
  • предназначенные для применения в качестве добавок в блюда в виде кусочков;
  • в волокнистом виде и в виде порошка;
  • включенные в 29 класс;
  • начинки и смеси для приготовления пищевых блюд;
  • готовые пищевые блюда и полуфабрикаты;
  • жировые смеси для бутербродов;
  • изготовленные из пищевых продуктов;
  • включенные в 29 класс;

NICE Classification

  • мука;
  • зерновые продукты для питания людей;
  • рис в пакетах для кипячения;
  • заранее приготовленные или дегидрированные;
  • макароны;
  • чай;
  • кофе;
  • заменители кофе;
  • какао;
  • шоколад для напитков;
  • экстракты вышеуказанных товаров (жидкие или сухие);
  • как в виде готовых напитков так и в упаковках;
  • в том числе для продажи торговыми автоматами;
  • или в виде смесей или начинок для хлебобулочных или кондитерских изделий и наполнителей для выпечки;
  • дрожжи;
  • сахар;
  • мед;
  • соусы (приправы);
  • пряности;
  • кондитерские изделия;
  • пищевой лед;
  • мороженое;
  • продукты из мороженого;
  • замороженные кондитерские изделия;
  • хлеб;
  • пирожные;
  • печенье;
  • галеты;
  • сладости;
  • десерты;
  • хлебобулочные изделия;
  • конфеты;
  • шоколад;
  • шоколадные изделия;
  • начинки для хлебобулочных и кондитерских изделий и наполнители для выпечки и закуски;
  • включенные в 30 класс;
  • готовые пищевые блюда и полуфабрикаты изготовленные из пищевых продуктов;
  • включенных в 30 класс;

Domain names similar "SNICKERS"

News around "SNICKERS" trademark

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Bumper 2.4kg box of Celebrations now £21 on Amazon thanks to Black Friday deal. Box contains Mars, Twix, Snickers, Bounty, Galaxy, Maltesers, and Milky Way.
'We counted every sweet in Quality Street, Roses and Celebrations - one was total let down' Most common is actually a three-way tie between Mars, Snickers and Milky Way. Twix takes the trophy for the least commonly found in this box.
The move will help the chain, which has 130 stores across the UK and a presence in Japan, 'grow further and faster' The takeover by Mars Inc - which also owns the Celebrations, Dove, M&Ms and Snickers food brands - saw shares in the market soar by 164 per cent this morning.
The shopping experts at CBS Essentials have found the best same-day pickup and delivery options. Stock up on all your favorites like Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups and more. Order on Instacart to stock up on candy from your local grocery store, pharmacy or convenience store.
Brittany McCrystal said she dropped 55lbs (25kg) after scoffing her very tasty twist on a Snickers bar. She gets her day started with “Healthy Girl Snickers Overnight Oats,” the recipe for which she happily shared with her 694.1k TikTok followers.
Snickers was launched in the US in 1930 and over in the states, it has never been known by a different name. Here in the UK, we adopted the Snickers name in 1990 after dropping the Marathon branding. It's believed the bar was named after a horse that belonged to Ethel Mars, the co-founder of the Mar-o-Bar Company.
Snickers was actually named the Marathon Bar in the UK between 1967-1990. Some UK fans refused to buy the newly named bar as they were so attached to it being called 'Marathon Bar,' despite the recipe being the same.
Snickers was actually named the Marathon Bar in the UK between 1967-1990. Some UK fans refused to buy the newly named bar as they were so attached to it being called 'Marathon Bar,' despite the recipe being the same.
Paedophile was being convicted at Warrnambool County Court in Australia. He had been found guilty of molesting an underage girl. As his fate was being read out he began chowing down on a Snickers bar. Security personnel told him to stop and said he wasn't allowed to eat in courtroom. But the crook managed to finish the sweet and then told custody staff he had poisoned himself as he had laced the chocolate bar with rat poison. He was remanded in custody where he collapsed and broke a finger.
Paedophile was being convicted at Warrnambool County Court in Australia. He had been found guilty of molesting an underage girl. As his fate was being read out he began chowing down on a Snickers bar. Security personnel told him to stop and said he wasn't allowed to eat in the courtroom. But the crook managed to finish the sweet and then told custody staff he had poisoned himself as he had laced the chocolate bar with rat poison. He was remanded in custody where he collapsed and broke a finger.
Jordan Thomson, 30, stole £116 worth of chocolate from a Co-op in Worthing. He made off with 48 Twix bars, 48 Snickers bars, 24 Bounty bars and 24 Yorkie bars.
Jordan Thomson stole 48 Twix bars, 48 Snickers bars, 24 Bounty bars and 24 Yorkie bars from Co-Op in Worthing, West Sussex. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, Thomson returned to the scene of the crime - unaware he had been caught red-handed on CCTV - and stole even more. The second time Thomson took ten jars of coffee. Shockingly, this all came not long after being released from prison for similar offences.
Jordan Thomson stole 140 chocolate bars from a Co-Op in Worthing, West Sussex. The 30-year-old stole 48 Twix bars, 48 Snickers bars, 24 Bounty bars and 24 Yorkie bars. He also took coffee, washing detergent, meat and vodka from five different shops. He was jailed for just over five months – 22 weeks – at Crawley Magistrates' Court.
A life-sized chocolate bust of Britain's King Charles III has been unveiled by confectionery brand Celebrations. It took 130 hours across four weeks to make the model, using more than 17 liters (4.5 gallons) of melted chocolate. One of each of the Celebrations chocolates, including Snickers, was used to create the medals on his chest.
The ad showed two men eating a Snickers bar Lady and the Tramp-style and accidentally kissing. The ad was also criticized by the Human Rights Campaign, and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
The Daytona 500 is on Feb. 19, held at the famed Daytona International Speedway. Designs features the M&M logo, as well as those from Snickers, Good Year, Toyota and more.
PETA’s “Last Longer’ Commercial showed two couples having sex. Snickers “Kiss” Commercial received backlash in 2007.
A 750g jar of Dolmio Bolognese has 42g of sugar, more than a Snickers bar. One tin of Heinz Cream ofMushroom contains 11.4g of fat. Birds Eye Green Cuisine Meat-Free Meatballs contain methylcellulose. Monster Energy drink is not particularly high in natural ingredients.
A 750g jar of Dolmio Bolognese has 42g of sugar, more than a Snickers bar. One tin of Heinz Cream ofMushroom contains 11.4g of fat. Birds Eye Green Cuisine Meat-Free Meatballs contain methylcellulose. Monster Energy drink is not particularly high in natural ingredients.
Mars dessert bars may contain peanuts and egg, which are not mentioned on the labels. Some packs have been incorrectly packed with Snickers dessert bars. Food Standards Agency said the products were a possible health risk.

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