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Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Спорт Нарунг Фарма", 194362, Санкт-Петербург, пос. Парголово, ул. Фёдора Абрамова, --, Литер А, помещение 89Н (RU)


197101, Санкт-Петербург, Каменноостровский пр-кт, 19/13, оф. --, Новак Максим Александрович



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  • аминокислоты для медицинских целей;
  • вещества диетические для медицинских целей;
  • волокна пищевые;
  • гели для массажа медицинские;
  • добавки витаминные в виде пластырей;
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  • добавки пищевые белковые;
  • добавки пищевые для животных;
  • добавки пищевые дрожжевые;
  • добавки пищевые из альгината;
  • добавки пищевые из глюкозы;
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  • добавки пищевые из лецитина;
  • добавки пищевые из масла льняного семени;
  • добавки пищевые из прополиса;
  • добавки пищевые из протеина;
  • добавки пищевые из протеина для животных;
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  • дрожжи для фармацевтических целей;
  • желатин для медицинских целей;
  • жир рыбий;
  • кашу для фармацевтических целей;
  • коллаген для медицинских целей;
  • кольца противомозольные для ног;
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  • магнезия для фармацевтических целей;
  • масла лекарственные;
  • масло горчичное для медицинских целей;
  • масло камфорное для медицинских целей;
  • масло касторовое для медицинских целей;
  • масло терпентинное для фармацевтических целей;
  • масло укропное для медицинских целей;
  • мастики для зубов;
  • молоко сухое для детей;
  • молочко маточное пчелиное для фармацевтических целей;
  • молочные ферменты для фармацевтических целей;
  • мука рыбная для фармацевтических целей;
  • напитки диетические для медицинских целей;
  • питание детское;
  • препараты витаминные;
  • препараты нутрицевтические для терапевтических или медицинских целей;
  • препараты с микроэлементами для человека или животных;
  • продукты белковые пищевые для медицинских целей;
  • продукты диетические пищевые для медицинских целей;
  • продукты обработки хлебных злаков побочные для диетических и медицинских целей;
  • продукты фармацевтические;
  • смеси молочные сухие для детского питания;
  • смеси питательные детские;
  • средства для похудания медицинские;
  • таблетки для подавления аппетита;
  • таблетки для похудания;
  • таблетки-антиоксиданты;
  • хлеб диабетический для медицинских целей;
  • чаи лекарственные;
  • чаи травяные для медицинских целей;

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Sean Clerkin made a formal complaint in March 2021 calling for officers to launch an investigation into how SNP donations for IndyRef2 campaign had been spent. Detectives subsequently launched Operation Branchform in July 2021 following several more complaints from members of the public. The political world was stunned in April this year when police arrested and questioned Peter Murrrel, the former SNP chief executive.
The SNP can get away with promising the world but delivering very little because voting in devolved elections still seems consequence-free. The Scottish Government isn't going to get any better until we hold it to the same standards as the UK Government.
Lisa Cameron ditched the SNP for the Scottish Conservatives last month. She was forced to flee her home after sickening threats and abuse from 'nasty nats' She has now been able to return home but is now living behind a reinforced front door.
Former Finance Secretary said prayer cannot be banned. Added that upcoming legislation on buffer zones had to be product of a 'liberal society' Also said she would stay in the SNP and refused to fully rule out another bid for the top job.
SNP could lose dozens of seats to the Tories and Labour in 2023. Tory popularity is also in freefall across large parts of the UK. SNP suffered in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election.
SNP community safety minister Siobhian Brown rejects request to join ban. Michael Gove pleaded with SNP ministers to join the ban south of the Border. Scottish Tories accuse SNP of “gambling with lives’ by rejecting invitation.
Former SNP leader is seeking damages and loss of earnings of £3 million. He has already won half a million pounds in costs for the case. Scottish Government conducted an unlawful investigation into Salmond in 2018. This came after two female staff members complained about his behaviour.
Ms Mordaunt was responding to SNP Commons Leader Deidre Brock. Ms Brock mocked her speech at the Conservative Party conference in which she urged the party faithful to "stand up and fight"
Anas Sarwar asks First Minister about misleading parliament. First Minister’s response sparked laughter and heckles in the Scottish Parliament. Instead of refuting the attack Mr Yousaf argued the Scottish public have voted for the SNP “time and time again”
Commons Leader took aim at SNP's record, including support for a drug consumption facility. She said the party is on her list of those she is "standing up and fighting against"
SNP told to focus on'real priorities' of those living in Scotland. Scottish Tories respond with fury to a recent white paper published by the SNP government at Holyrood about its plans for an independent Scotland's marine sector.
Michael Matheson will be probed by Holyrood officials over the near-£11,000 data bill he racked up on his parliamentary iPad while on holiday. SNP minister has faced intense scrutiny over how he managed to incur the eye-watering roaming fee while on a Christmas break to Morocco last year. He last week admitted in an emotional statement to the Scottish Parliament that his teenage sons had used the official device to watch football while abroad.
Holyrood bosses will investigate Health Secretary Michael Matheson over his £11,000 data roaming bill scandal. The SNP MSP initially said the bill, racked up on a family holiday in Morocco, was the fault of an out-of-date sim card on his Holyrood iPad.
SNP councillor Glynis Campbell Sinclair joined the Inverness area committee meeting via video link from her home on Monday. But after telling councillors they were ‘all going to have to make very hard decisions’ due to Highland Council’s ‘budget situation’, she got up and began doing her household chores.
Business leaders accuse SNP and Labour of putting thousands of jobs at risk. Ryan Crighton, head of policy at the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, said the industry was “rapidly approaching’ a ‘cliff-edge’
Labour said "working people are worse off" because of the UK Government. SNP called for a return of the £400 energy bills support and warned against reducing income tax. Autumn Statement will be made by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt around noon.
Glynis Campbell Sinclair was taking part remotely in the City of Inverness Area committee meeting. She failed to turn her computer camera off after making a point about funding for new schools and the local authority's dire budget situation. The SNP councillor for Culloden and Ardersier appeared to receive a phone call.
SNP councillor Glynis Campbell Sinclair joined the Inverness area committee meeting via video link from her home on Monday. But after telling councillors they were ‘all going to have to make very hard decisions’ due to Highland Council’s ‘budget situation’, she got up and began doing her household chores.
2.4 million Scots are expected to benefit by an average of £340 when the main rate of National Insurance is reduced from 12 per cent to 10 per cent across the UK on Jan 6. But Humza Yousaf’s Government opposed the cut and Mr Jack expressed concern that they could reverse it by unveiling more income tax rises in the Scottish Budget. He warned that the SNP making Scotland the highest taxed part of the UK had led to slower economic growth rates.
UK Government will freeze alcohol duty on beer, cider, wine and spirits. It had been reported that the rate could have been raised by 15 per cent. This followed a 10.1 per cent increase in April. SNP had pleaded with the UK Government not to raise it again.

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