Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 24.07.2008


Russian Federation







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Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью Фирма "Монтажник", Московская обл., д.Черкизово (RU)



NICE Classification

  • краски, политуры, лаки;
  • вещества, предохраняющие металлы от коррозии и древесину от разрушения;
  • красящие вещества;
  • протравы;
  • закрепители красителей;
  • необработанные природные смолы;
  • листовые и порошкообразные металлы, используемые для художественно-декоративных целей и художественной печати;

NICE Classification

  • бумага, картон, изделия из них, не относящиеся к другим классам;
  • печатная продукция;
  • материалы для переплетных работ;
  • фотоснимки;
  • писчебумажные товары;
  • клейкие вещества для канцелярских и бытовых целей;
  • принадлежности для художников;
  • кисти и малярные валики;
  • пишущие машины и конторские принадлежности (за исключением мебели);
  • учебные материалы и наглядные пособия (за исключением аппаратуры);
  • пластмассовые материалы для упаковки (не относящиеся к другим классам);
  • игральные карты;
  • шрифты;
  • клише типографские;

NICE Classification

  • организация выставок для коммерческих или рекламных целей;
  • демонстрация товаров;
  • запись сообщений;
  • изучение рынка (маркетинг);
  • услуги по импорту и экспорту;
  • информация коммерческая и статистическая;
  • службы телефонных ответчиков;
  • реклама;
  • сбыт товаров через посредников;
  • исследования, справки и оценки в области деловых операций;
  • менеджмент и административная деятельность в сфере бизнеса;
  • офисная служба;

NICE Classification

  • услуги и информация в области строительства и ремонта;
  • установка оборудования;
  • техническое обслуживание транспортных средств, машин, механизмов, конторского оборудования;
  • строительный надзор;
  • прокат строительной техники;
  • газо- и водопроводные работы;
  • добыча полезных ископаемых;
  • стирка, чистка;

NICE Classification

  • реализация товаров;
  • обеспечение пищевыми продуктами и напитками;
  • обеспечение временного проживания;
  • медицинский, гигиенический и косметический уход;
  • ветеринарная и сельскохозяйственная службы;
  • юридическая служба;
  • технические, промышленные, медицинские и научные исследования и разработки;
  • консультации;
  • консультации профессиональные, не связанные с деловыми операциями;
  • печать и подготовка к печати;
  • видеосъемка;
  • фотографирование;
  • услуги в области дизайна и архитектуры;
  • информация о состоянии и развитии моды;
  • создание новых видов товаров;
  • испытание материалов;
  • контроль качества;
  • программирование;
  • предоставление оборудования для выставок;

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HMP Kilmarnock will become the first ever Scottish prison to transfer from private to public sector control. The establishment will transition to the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) on March 17, 2024 – 25 years after it first became operational. Prison officers are being sought for the prison in Ayrshire.
17,802 arrested suspects were brought into SPS detention between Jan. 1, 2022 and Aug. 31, 2023. 5,558 (31 per cent) of them were booked for public intoxication. Sara died this year at the age of 52.
Kids should plan their Halloween night route ahead of time with their parents or caregivers, says CAA Saskatchewan. CAA suggests kids dress appropriately with toques, gloves and boots. The Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) will also be out in the community keeping kids safe.
Alternative Response Officers (ARO) carry a unique role within SPS ranks. Their responsibilities range from community engagement and education to enforcement and investigations. Global News was given the opportunity to spend roughly two hours in Downtown Saskatoon.
Bookshop for a Cause is an extension of the Delhi chapter of Servants of the People Society (SPS), a non-profit organization. Inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi and originally established in Lahore, the SPS was shifted to Delhi after Partition.
Two people have been charged following a weapons manufacturing investigation by members of the SPS guns and gangs unit. Officers responded to a call on July 24 at around 9:30 a.m. for a report of a domestic disturbance in progress in the 100 block of Avenue U South. Officers observed several items consistent with the manufacturing of weapons inside the residence.
In March of last year, a Seattle Education Association (SEA) board member and fourth-grade teacher reached out to Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to request a training at an SPS school. A top official with SPS told the teacher that a student’s pronoun change should not be shared with the parents, "regardless of age"
Solicitor General Mike Farnworth met with Surrey mayor Brenda Locke on Tuesday. Farnworth ordered the city to complete its transition to a municipal police force. He overruled Mayor Locke and her council majority. Locke said the switch to the SPS will be very costly.
B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth forced Surrey’s hand in its hotly-debated police transition. Farnworth directed Surrey to cast aside the local RCMP detachment and proceed with the SPS. A Vancouver Police Department spokesperson said he doesn’t know how many of its officers have joined the Surrey Police Service.
His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS) conducted review. Found current Separation and Reintegration Units (SRUs) may pose more harm than good to "some of the most vulnerable prisoners, with complex psychological challenges and needs" Review praised Scottish Prison Service (SPS) and NHS's e fforts to meet the "complex needs" of segregated prisoners.
B.C. Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth directed Surrey to cast aside its RCMP detachment. Farnworth said the city had failed to prove it could meet his conditions for keeping the RCMP as the police of jurisdiction. The municipality must now complete a transition to the Surrey Police Service (SPS), which currently has about 400 staff.
Landline telephones will be fitted in Scottish jail cells for the first time. Inmates will be given 200 free minutes per month to call numbers from a pre-approved list. SPS said they would to help improve mental health and lower risk of reoffending.
Landline telephones will be fitted in Scottish jail cells for the first time. Inmates will be given 200 free minutes per month to call numbers from a pre-approved list. SPS said they would to help improve mental health and lower risk of reoffending.
The Surrey Police Service (SPS) is set to address the public at 2:30 p.m. Global News will livestream the press conference on its website and Facebook page. The SPS was born amid some public and political protest.
Dilbag ‘Dylan’ Hothi, an officer with the Surrey Police Service (SPS) fatally shot himself in February. Newly unsealed court documents reveal that he was under investigation on allegations of inappropriate communication with a 15-year-old girl. None of the allegations in the documents have been proven in court.
In June, city council voted to retain the RCMP rather than shift to the municipally-run SPS. The RCMP says it needs 734 officers in Surrey for the city to be fully staffed. The Surrey Police Union, however, says that number is inaccurate.
Katie Allan, 21, died in Polmont young offenders institution in 2018. She was serving a sentence for a drunk hit-and-run crash. Her parents were told that the SPS could only face a process known as Crown Censure. Health and Safety Executive has said it will take no action.
Katie Allan, 21, died in Polmont young offenders institution in 2018. She was serving a sentence for a drunk hit-and-run crash. Her parents were told that the SPS could only face a process known as Crown Censure. Health and Safety Executive has said it will take no action.
Const. Jody Levesque was responding to a reported stabbing and found a nearby suspect. The suspect alleges that an assault took place during the arrest and a public complaint followed. SPS said the officer is being assigned to administrative duty until the outcome of the court proceedings.
SPS Chief Norm Lipinski said the service is “extremely disappointed” by the decision. Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke was elected to council in 2018 as a part of former mayor Doug McCallum’s Safe Surrey Coalition. Locke quit the party in 2019 claiming dysfunction on council.

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