Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 25.05.2009


Russian Federation







Russian Federation






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Сергейкин Анатолий Яковлевич, Москва (RU)



NICE Classification

  • препараты для отбеливания и прочие вещества для стирки;
  • препараты для чистки, полирования, обезжиривания и абразивной обработки;
  • мыла;
  • парфюмерные изделия, эфирные масла, косметические средства, лосьоны для волос;
  • зубные порошки и пасты;
  • шампуни;

NICE Classification

  • транспортные средства;
  • аппараты, перемещающиеся по земле, воде и воздуху;
  • космические корабли;
  • функциональные, конструктивные детали транспортных средств, включенные в 12 класс;
  • чехлы для сидений транспортных средств;

NICE Classification

  • благородные металлы и их сплавы, изделия или покрытия из них, не относящиеся к другим классам;
  • ювелирные изделия, бижутерия, драгоценные камни;
  • часы и прочие хронометрические приборы;

NICE Classification

  • бумага, картон и изделия из них, материалы для переплетных работ, фотоснимки, писчебумажные товары, клейкие вещества для канцелярских или бытовых целей, принадлежности для художников, кисти, пишущие машины, конторские принадлежности (за исключением мебели), учебные материалы и наглядные пособия (за исключением аппаратуры), пластиковые материалы для упаковки, игральные карты, шрифты, типографские клише, бювары;
  • выкройки для изготовления одежды и женского платья, гравюры, графические печатные материалы, папки для документов, календари, карандаши, клейкие ленты, конверты, типографские краски, мешки (конверты, обертки, сумки) для упаковки бумажные или пластиковые, печати, почтовые марки, ручки перьевые, ручки шариковые, школьные принадлежности, этикетки, упаковочные пластиковые материалы, пленки пластиковые для упаковки, коробки картонные или бумажные, вакуумные упаковки для продуктов, мешки для мусора, проездные билеты, включенные в 16 класс;

NICE Classification

  • одежда;
  • обувь;
  • головные уборы;
  • халаты банные;
  • домашние;
  • белье нижнее;
  • береты;
  • блузы;
  • ботинки;
  • брюки;
  • бюстгальтеры;
  • жилеты;
  • капюшоны;
  • кашне;
  • колготки;
  • комбинезоны;
  • корсеты;
  • костюмы;
  • костюмы купальные;
  • кофточки нижние;
  • боди;
  • комбидрес;
  • куртки;
  • лифы;
  • майки;
  • манто;
  • меха (одежда);
  • муфты;
  • меховые накидки;
  • носки;
  • пальто;
  • пелерины;
  • пеньюары;
  • перчатки;
  • пижамы;
  • плавки;
  • платья;
  • плащи непромокаемые;
  • пояса (белье нижнее);
  • пуловеры;
  • рубашки;
  • сабо;
  • сандалии;
  • свитера;
  • сорочки;
  • трикотажные изделия (одежда);
  • туфли;
  • халаты;
  • чулки;
  • шали;
  • шарфы;
  • шляпы;
  • шубы;
  • юбки;
  • юбки нижние;

NICE Classification

  • бронирование мест в гостиницах;
  • организация выставок (предоставление оборудования);
  • услуги по оформлению интерьера;
  • консультации по вопросам безопасности;
  • создание новых видов товаров;
  • лицензирование объектов интеллектуальной собственности;
  • консультации по вопросам интеллектуальной собственности;
  • юридическая служба;
  • управление делами по охране авторских и смежных прав;
  • промышленные и научные исследования и разработки;
  • дизайн промышленный;
  • дизайн в области упаковки;
  • исследования в области генеалогии;
  • охрана личная;
  • медицинский;
  • гигиенический и косметический уход;
  • ветеринарная и сельскохозяйственная службы;
  • реализация товаров;
  • рестораны;
  • кафе;
  • контроль качества;
  • массаж;
  • медицинская помощь;
  • здравницы;
  • санатории;
  • пансионаты;
  • дома отдыха;
  • клиники;
  • институты красоты;
  • косметические кабинеты;
  • парикмахерские;
  • маникюр;
  • уход за кожей;
  • уход за волосами;
  • массажные и косметические кабинеты;
  • исследования в области косметики;
  • бани;
  • брачные агентства;
  • информация о состоянии и развитии моды;
  • моделирование одежды и обуви;

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News sentiment analysis powered by
Disney has amassed more than $10 billion in streaming losses over the last four years. Critics blame the production ramp up for stretching the studios and possibly damaging the Marvel, Pixar and Star Wars brands.
Disney is in talks over licensing some of their titles to Netflix again. However, this move will not include their flagship Disney+ brands. This would mean that you would be unable to watch any Marvel, Star Wars or Disney Pixar films or shows without a subscription to Disney+.
Disney+ is copying the worst Netflix feature and it may add more to your bill. It's the latest streaming provider to clamp down on multiple users. Avid Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and National Geographic fans could be charged more each month when they're caught handing out their passwords.
The Master of the Universe came into existence after Mattel missed a chance to work with Star Wars. A molecular biologist from Madurai, our quizmaster enjoys trivia and music.
The £1.99-a-month Disney+ deal is only available for new customers. If you've previously had a Disney Plus subscription but decided to take a break, you'll be able to join again for a lower price. You'll get unlimited access to movies from franchises such as Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar and Disney. There's also the option to view documentaries from National Geographic, newly-released films like The Little Mermaid.
Redditors have shared designs of iconic Star Wars and Firefly spaceships. Some have yet to even get their hands on the game before getting to work. Other designs include the Y-Wing and Ebon Hawk from Star Wars.
Jamie Christopher died at his Los Angeles home from heart complications. The first assistant director was widely applauded for his work on the entirety of the uber-successful Harry Potter franchise. He also proved his talents on several Star Wars and Marvel films, as well as iconic movies such as The Da Vinci Code.
Jamie Christopher has passed away at the age of 52. The first assistant director was widely applauded for his work on the entirety of the uber-successful Harry Potter franchise. He also proved his talents on several Star Wars and Marvel films, as well as iconic movies such as The Da Vinci Code.
Denzel Washington remains one of Hollywood’s most fascinating actors. At a time when virtually every one of his peers has taken the Marvel or Star Wars dollar, he seems entirely uninterested in appearing in films in which he has to play second banana. He is a star, and expects to be treated as such.
Martin Scorsese compared the franchise to ‘theme park’ attractions. Jodie Foster likened superhero movies to fracking. Roland Emmerich accused Marvel, DC and Star Wars of 'ruining' the industry.
Martin Scorsese compared the franchise to ‘theme park’ attractions. Jodie Foster likened superhero movies to fracking. Roland Emmerich accused Marvel, DC and Star Wars of 'ruining' the industry.
Disgraced Disney CEO Bob Iger says he plans to cut down on Marvel and Star Wars content. “Frankly,” Iger admitted, “it diluted focus and attention” Disney has released three animated box office bombs in a row.
Hey Disney! is the first Alexa custom assistant to be made available for “select Amazon Echo devices” It provides an array of Disney, Pixar, and Star Wars character voices. The feature provides additional perks like interactive adventures with Disney characters, storytelling, soundscapes, Disney trivia games, and more.
Jorge Diaz-Vega Jnr reportedly lost his job at the resort's Star Wars store at Hollywood Studios in April after being caught recording beneath a woman's skirt. He reportedly admitted to having over 500 similar videos of random women he'd recorded at the theme park over the last six years. Last week, while on bond for the Disney incidents, the 26-year-old was taken back into custody and charged with two counts of video voyeurism.
Warhammer 40,000 Boltgun is a retro shooter that looks and plays like Duke Nukem 3D. Games Workshop are being very selective about who it gives the Star Wars and Marvel licences to.
Warhammer 40,000 Boltgun is a retro shooter that looks and plays like Duke Nukem 3D. Games Workshop are being very selective about who it gives the Star Wars and Marvel licences to, only picking top developers to work on games in genres that they are already well known for.
Ming-Na Wen was honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Tuesday. The US actress is also known for roles in the Star Wars and Marvel franchises. She said her name had been mispronounced and misspelled ‘so many times’
Ray Stevenson, a veteran actor of movies like "Punisher: War Zone," "Thor," "RRR" and major TV shows like "Vikings" and a Star Wars spinoff, has died at the age of 58. Stevenson had been cast for a role alongside Rosario Dawson in Disney+’s upcoming Star Wars show "Ahsoka"
Al Pacino is best known for playing Michael Corleone in The Godfather. But in the 1970s he was approached by George Lucas to join Star Wars. The actor did not want to take the role, but was offered'so much money' Pacino joked: "I gave Harrison Ford a career"
Jorge Diaz Vega, 26, admitted to filming unsuspecting women's underwear at a Star Wars store at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The Kissimmee resident was booked into the Orange County Jail for and charged with third-degree felony video voyeurism for recording female guests without their knowledge. The disturbing nature of the allegations has sent a shockwave of disgust across social media.

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