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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "РОССЫПИ ИВЕНТА", 624013, Свердловская область, г/о Сысертский, п. Двуреченск, ул. Озерная, --, кв. --.


620100, Свердловская область, г. Екатеринбург, Сибирский тракт, --, стр. --, оф. --, ООО "РОСИВЕНТ"



NICE Classification

  • воды столовые;
  • квас;
  • вода содовая;
  • воды [напитки];
  • воды минеральные [напитки];
  • аперитивы безалкогольные;
  • вода газированная;
  • вода сельтерская;
  • коктейли безалкогольные;
  • коктейли на основе пива;
  • коктейли на основе пива безалкогольные;
  • лимонады;
  • напитки безалкогольные;
  • напитки безалкогольные из сухофруктов;
  • напитки изотонические;
  • напитки на базе меда безалкогольные;
  • напитки на базе риса, кроме заменителей молока;
  • напитки на базе сои, кроме заменителей молока;
  • напитки на основе алоэ вера безалкогольные;
  • напитки на основе молочной сыворотки;
  • напитки обогащенные протеином спортивные;
  • напитки прохладительные безалкогольные;
  • напитки со вкусом кофе безалкогольные;
  • напитки со вкусом чая безалкогольные;
  • напитки фруктовые безалкогольные;
  • напитки энергетические;
  • нектары фруктовые с мякотью безалкогольные;
  • пиво;
  • пиво безалкогольное;
  • пиво имбирное;
  • пиво солодовое;
  • порошки для изготовления газированных напитков;
  • порошки для приготовления безалкогольных напитков;
  • сидр безалкогольный;
  • сиропы для лимонадов;
  • сиропы для напитков;
  • смузи [напитки на базе фруктовых или овощных смесей];
  • соки овощные [напитки];
  • соки фруктовые;
  • составы для приготовления безалкогольных напитков;
  • составы для производства газированной воды;
  • таблетки для изготовления газированных напитков;
  • эссенции безалкогольные для приготовления напитков;

NICE Classification

  • аперитивы;
  • биттеры [горькие спиртные напитки];
  • бренди;
  • вина;
  • виски;
  • водка;
  • водка анисовая;
  • водка вишневая;
  • джин;
  • дижестивы [ликеры и спиртные напитки];
  • коктейли;
  • кюрасао [ликер];
  • ликеры;
  • напитки алкогольные зерновые дистиллированные;
  • напитки алкогольные на основе сахарного тростника;
  • напитки алкогольные смешанные, за исключением напитков на основе пива;
  • напитки алкогольные, за исключением пива;
  • напитки алкогольные, содержащие фрукты;
  • напитки на основе вина;
  • напитки спиртовые;
  • напитки, полученные перегонкой;
  • напиток медовый [медовуха];
  • ром;
  • сакэ;
  • сидры;
  • соджу;
  • спирт рисовый;
  • экстракты спиртовые;
  • экстракты фруктовые спиртовые;
  • эссенции спиртовые;

NICE Classification

  • аренда площадей для размещения рекламы;
  • выписка счетов;
  • демонстрация товаров;
  • маркетинг;
  • организация выставок в коммерческих или рекламных целях;
  • организация торговых ярмарок;
  • подготовка платежных документов;
  • предоставление деловой информации;
  • предоставление коммерческой информации и консультаций потребителям по вопросам выбора товаров и услуг;
  • презентация товаров на всех медиасредствах с целью оптовой продажи;
  • презентация товаров на всех медиасредствах с целью розничной продажи;
  • продажа оптовая товаров, не включенная в другие классы;
  • продажа розничная товаров, не включенная в другие классы;
  • продвижение продаж для третьих лиц;
  • продвижение товаров и услуг через спонсорство спортивных мероприятий;
  • производство рекламных фильмов;
  • прокат рекламных материалов;
  • прокат рекламных щитов;
  • публикация рекламных текстов;
  • разработка маркетинговых концепций;
  • разработка рекламных концепций;
  • распространение образцов;
  • распространение рекламных материалов;
  • реклама;
  • реклама наружная;
  • сбор и предоставление статистических данных;
  • согласование деловых контрактов для третьих лиц;
  • управление процессами обработки заказов товаров;
  • услуги коммерческого посредничества;
  • услуги снабженческие для третьих лиц [закупка и обеспечение предпринимателей товарами];
  • услуги субподрядные [коммерческая помощь];

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News sentiment analysis powered by
MasterChef judge Melissa Leong brings her fashion A-game to the latest cover of Stellar magazine. It comes as Jamie Oliver is said to have inked a $2million deal to replace the late Jock Zonfrillo on the reality cooking competition.
FIFA's new caps on agent fees and commission will be DELAYED in Britain. Leading British agents have succeeded in delaying the introduction of new FIFA regulations limiting their commission to three per cent of player salaries. Four of the country’s biggest agencies - CAA Base, Wasserman, Stellar and ARETE - launched legal action in an attempt to block the FA from implementing the changes. A tribunal will deliver its verdict on or before 30 November.
Leading British agents have succeeded in delaying the introduction of new FIFA regulations limiting their commission to three per cent of player salaries. Four of the country’s biggest agencies – CAA Base, Wasserman, Stellar and ARETE – launched legal action in an attempt to block the FA from implementing FIFA's changes. A private arbitration hearing took place in London last week. All parties were informed that the tribunal will deliver its verdict on or before 30 November.
Stellar (XLM) is a peer-to-peer decentralized network allowing payment providers and financial institutions to engage in seamless financial transactions. Tradecurve Markets will be the first trading platform that allows users to trade and deposit cryptocurrency on the platform without needing to do KYC verification. According to many experts, the token price is on course to increase by 50x when it is launched.
Jelena Dokic, 40, opened up about her eating disorder in the most recent issue of Stellar magazine, out this Sunday, September 10. She said much of her disordered eating stemmed from the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father and his weaponisation of food when she was just a teenager. The Australian has long been open about her struggles with depression, social media abuse, body shaming and family violence she suffered throughout her career.
Mischa Barton stuns in glamorous cover shoot for Stellar magazine. The 37-year-old star of the hit soap The O.C. recently joined the cast of the Amazon Prime reboot of Neighbours. She plays a mysterious character called Reece Sinclair in the reboot.
AFL WAG Rebecca Judd, 40, has lent her star power to BFF Nadia Bartel by promoting a Henne ensemble on Sunday. Bec took to Instagram to share a clip of herself in one of Nadia's streetwear designs, wearing the Ergi Cargo Pant, worth $209. It comes after Bec revealed she is part Māori during an interview with Stellar.
AFL WAG Bec Judd has revealed she is of Māori heritage. The 40-year-old mother of four recently spoke to Stellar magazine. Judd's mother Kerry Brown and father Hugh Twigley are both from New Zealand, but relocated to Western Australia in the late 1970s.
AFL WAG Rebecca Judd, 40, has lent her star power to BFF Nadia Bartel by promoting a Henne ensemble on Sunday. Bec took to Instagram to share a clip of herself in one of Nadia's streetwear designs, wearing the Ergi Cargo Pant, worth $209. It comes after Bec revealed she is part Māori during an interview with Stellar.
The My Kitchen Rules judge, 50, opened up to Stellar magazine about the health scare after the loss of his friend and fellow celebrity chef Jock Zonfrillo. Colin said he began having persistent stomach pains while filming the new season of MKR in New Zealand. When he went to see his doctor, the Kitchen Nightmares Australia host said he didn't quite get the assurance he was expecting.
Georgia Love calls out cancel culture after losing her 'dream job' at Seven over 'casual racism' scandal - as she issues a grovelling apology and insists she never meant to offend anyone. The former newsreader, 34, made headlines for the wrong reasons in late 2021 when she posted a video asking whether a cat was on the menu at a Chinese restaurant. Georgia, who opted to stay silent in the wake of the scandal, finally spoke to to Stellar magazine this week.
Bitcoin (BTC) is beginning the Asia trading day at $29,786, up 2% on-day. The 30k mark is a critical threshold, with consensus indicating 40k as the next significant level. Stellar, XRP and Shiba Inu were notable winners from the last week.
Chloe Lattanzi reveals how she plans to continue Olivia Newton-John's legacy and admits that she thinks her late mother is'still alive' Speaking to Stellar's Something to Talk About podcast, the 37-year-old explained how living with her husband James Driscoll at Olivia's California ranch helps her feel her mother's spirit.
Gold Logie nominated Julia, 55, looked resplendent in the strapless frock, which featured a daring thigh-high split and sheer beaded sleeves. She opted for a less is more makeup palette and wore her cropped brunette tresses in a stylish blowout. It comes after her tell-all interview about her marriage breakup was published in Stellar magazine.
Chainlink, XRP, XLM, Stellar and TRX were the only coins to post any notable gains over the last seven days. Bitcoin dropped 1.5% to its current price of $29,869, according to CoinGecko. The steepest pullbacks among leading currencies were from Solana and Avalanche.
Home and Away's Ada Nicodemou recalls the 'embarrassing' moment she accidentally sent a racy picture of herself to a parents group chat. The actress, 46, appeared on 2DAY FM's Hughesy, Ed and Erin earlier this week. She said she was left red-faced after sending her racy cover for Stellar magazine to a soccer parents chat instead of her manager, Claire.
Lisa Oldfield claims Real Housewives of Sydney producers 'exploited her vulnerability' and unfairly blamed her for the show failing: 'A soul destroying experience' The ex-wife of One Nation co-founder David Oldfield, 48, took to Instagram to slam the series on Sunday, hours after Stellar magazine published an interview with Gina Liano about her own 'traumatic' experience filming the franchise.
Nicole, Keith Urban and daughters Sunday Rose, 15, and Faith Margaret, 12, live in Australia. The Hours star chatted on the Something to Talk About podcast to Stellar editor-in-chief Sarrah Le Marquand. Sunday recently directed a stage production of Annie, she said.
Lisa Oldfield claims Real Housewives of Sydney producers 'exploited her vulnerability' and unfairly blamed her for the show failing: 'A soul destroying experience' The ex-wife of One Nation co-founder David Oldfield, 48, took to Instagram to slam the series on Sunday, hours after Stellar magazine published an interview with Gina Liano. The businesswoman, who feuded with almost every member of the cast during filming, took a stab at the producers for allegedly setting her up for conflict.
Gina Liano, 57, quit the Real Housewives of Melbourne after its fourth season in 2018. Speaking to Stellar magazine on Sunday, the barrister admitted that dealing with constant cat-fights on the show took a toll on her mental health. 'It all got too much. It's very soul destroying. I've had a lot of conversations with Lydia [Schiavello] about feeling quite traumatised at the end of it all because you're constantly in trouble,' she said.

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