Trademark Status DEAD
Expiration 02.06.2020


Russian Federation







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RU, Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "АМЕРИКАН ПРЕМИУМ ТОБАККО", 129090, Москва, ул. Мещанская, д. --, стр. --, эт. --, пом. --.


121151, Москва, а/я --, ООО "Онлайн патент"



NICE Classification

  • ароматизаторы для табака, кроме эфирных масел;
  • ароматизаторы для электронных сигарет, кроме эфирных масел;
  • баллончики газовые для зажигалок;
  • бумага абсорбирующая для курительных трубок;
  • бумага сигаретная, папиросная;
  • зажигалки для прикуривания;
  • кисеты для табака;
  • книжечки курительной бумаги;
  • коробки с увлажнителем для сигар;
  • коробки спичечные;
  • кремни;
  • машинки для обрезки сигар;
  • мундштуки для сигар;
  • мундштуки для сигарет;
  • наконечники мундштуков для сигарет;
  • наконечники янтарные мундштуков для сигарет и сигар;
  • пепельницы;
  • плевательницы для табака;
  • подставки для курительных трубок;
  • приспособления для чистки курительных трубок;
  • растворы жидкие для электронных сигарет;
  • сигареты электронные;
  • сигареты, папиросы;
  • сигареты, содержащие заменители табака, не для медицинских целей;
  • сигариллы;
  • сигары;
  • сосуды для табака;
  • спичечницы;
  • спички;
  • спреи для полости рта для курящих;
  • табак;
  • табак жевательный;
  • табак нюхательный;
  • табакерки;
  • травы курительные;
  • трубки курительные;
  • устройства карманные для скручивания сигарет, папирос;
  • фильтры для сигарет;
  • фитили для сигаретных зажигалок;
  • части папиросной гильзы без табака;
  • ящики для сигар;
  • ящики для сигарет, папирос;

NICE Classification

  • демонстрация товаров;
  • изучение рынка;
  • информация деловая;
  • информация и советы коммерческие потребителям в области выбора товаров и услуг;
  • консультации профессиональные в области бизнеса;
  • предоставление деловой информации через веб-сайты;
  • предоставление информации в области деловых и коммерческих контактов;
  • предоставление места для онлайн-продаж покупателям и продавцам товаров и услуг / предоставление торговых интернет-площадок покупателям и продавцам товаров и услуг;
  • продажа аукционная;
  • продвижение продаж для третьих лиц;
  • продвижение товаров и услуг через спонсорство спортивных мероприятий;
  • распространение образцов;
  • управление потребительской лояльностью;
  • управление процессами обработки заказов товаров;
  • услуги снабженческие для третьих лиц [закупка и обеспечение предпринимателей товарами];
  • продажа оптовая и розничная товаров, в том числе через Интернет;

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The new Luxon-led Cabinet has met for the first time. Follow live coverage from Stuff’s political reporters.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
The Salvation Army’s Richard Currie and Steve Reti are backing Stuff's Reverse Advent calendar. Grab a box, grab a calendar and pop a donation in the box every day as you cross off the days until Christmas. The idea is to stock food banks with nutritious food and toiletries for January.
Icao Tiseli has been selected to represent Oceania at the Archiprix International workshop themed ‘Rebuild Ukraine’ She will join students from Asia, Europe, and North and South America in Rotterdam on November 27. The Jasmax architectural graduate and Auckland University alumnus told Stuff, “It’s a dream come true and an honour to work with other designers while helping to rebuild Ukraine”
An Auckland school has been evacuated following a number of threats. St Kentigern College confirmed they had received a bomb threat. A pupil of the school told Stuff that “teachers are scared’ Police said they were responding to emails of ‘a concerning nature’
Theresa Gattung became Telecom’s CEO at 37. She is the latest guest on Simon Bridges’ Stuff celebrity interview podcast, Generally Famous. She discussed how she rose up the ranks at such a young age, and how she overcame old-fashioned mindsets.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
A confidential report reveals Auckland Council would reap $122 million from the likely imminent sale of it’s big Downtown Carpark building. The report, obtained by Stuff, said the council would face a bill of $20-30 million for structural repairs if it retained it. The council in December 2020 voted to sell the almost-waterfront site for redevelopment, with Precinct emerging as the preferred buyer and spending millions on its proposal.
An Auckland school has been evacuated following a number of bomb threats made around the country. St Kentigern College confirmed they had received a bomb threat, as have 15 other institutions around New Zealand. A pupil of the school told Stuff that “teachers are scared’
The man known as Little John has spent the last six months in prison. He made national headlines last year after a Stuff story revealed that he had lived in a cave, on and off, for over a decade. But it was the arson of ‘a rat infested, mouldy, stinking, bullet-ridden hovel’’ that led to a new-alternative: a 12-month prison sentence.
The Media Council has upheld a complaint from Dr David Hingston (David) against Stuff. He complained about an article published on 18 April 2023, “Wellington doctor’s property dispute with dad drags on more than a decade.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
Tova O'Brien is Stuff’s chief political correspondent and host of the political podcast, Tova. O’Brien: Jacinda Ardern's face would harden, her eyes narrow and her reply would be returned in the most excoriating tone imaginable. This was the treatment journalists came to expect between 2017 and 2020 from the then Prime Minister.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
Cricket World Cup semifinal: Black Caps v India; Where: Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai. When: Wednesday, 9.30pm; Coverage: Live on Sky Sport 1, live updates on Stuff. Indian fans have had plenty to celebrate over the past five weeks.
The Western Express (WX) bus route, with a 10-minute frequency between 7am-7pm, is the biggest public transport leap in Auckland for six years. It's the pinnacle in re-shaping of the western and northwest services, so that local buses intersect with the WX as it travels into the city from Westgate. Stuff tested the new WX service, pitched as a form of busway “lite” during the morning rush hour.
Cricket World Cup semifinal: Black Caps v India; Where: Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai; When: Wednesday, 9.30pm; Coverage: Live on Sky Sport 1, live updates on Stuff. New Zealand men's cricket teams have visited India 19 times over the past 68 years, playing a total of 86 matches against their hosts across all three formats. Just 14 of those 86 matches have resulted in Black Caps wins.
Do you have the spelling skills to beat The Hard Word clock? In this Stuff quiz you’ll get a bunch of letters to unscramble, a clue to get you on your way and 60 seconds to correctly enter the word.
Todd Niall is the senior Auckland affairs reporter for Stuff. In the quest for trimming minutes from a journey, is Auckland Transport missing some simple ideas that bus users and motorists could make happen for them? Boarding and exiting through both sets of doors is not officially done in Auckland.

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