Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 25.10.2033


Russian Federation







Russian Federation







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Попова Светлана Станиславовна, 630005, г.Новосибирск, ул. Некрасова, --, кв.151 (RU)


630099, г.Новосибирск, п/о --, а/я --, Болотова Александра Юрьевна



NICE Classification

  • эспадрильи;
  • юбки;
  • юбки нижние;
  • юбки-шорты;
  • апостольники;
  • банданы [платки];
  • белье нижнее;
  • белье нижнее, абсорбирующее пот;
  • береты;
  • блузы;
  • боа [горжетки];
  • боди [женское белье];
  • боксеры [шорты];
  • ботильоны;
  • ботинки лыжные;
  • ботинки спортивные;
  • бриджи;
  • брюки;
  • бутсы;
  • бюстгальтеры;
  • бюстгальтеры самоклеющиеся;
  • валенки [сапоги фетровые];
  • варежки;
  • воротники [одежда];
  • воротники съемные;
  • вставки для рубашек;
  • вуали [одежда];
  • габардины [одежда];
  • галоши;
  • галстуки;
  • галстуки-банты с широкими концами;
  • гамаши;
  • гамаши короткие;
  • гетры [теплые носочно-чулочные изделия];
  • голенища сапог;
  • грации;
  • джерси [одежда];
  • жилеты;
  • изделия спортивные трикотажные;
  • изделия трикотажные;
  • каблуки;
  • каблуки для обуви;
  • капюшоны [одежда];
  • каркасы для шляп [остовы];
  • карманы для одежды;
  • кашне;
  • кепки [головные уборы];
  • кимоно;
  • козырьки для фуражек;
  • козырьки, являющиеся головными уборами;
  • колготки;
  • комбинации [белье нижнее];
  • комбинезоны [одежда];
  • комбинезоны для водных лыж;
  • корсажи [женское белье];
  • корсеты [белье нижнее];
  • костюмы;
  • костюмы купальные;
  • костюмы маскарадные;
  • костюмы пляжные;
  • косынки;
  • купальники гимнастические;
  • куртки [одежда];
  • куртки из шерстяной материи [одежда];
  • куртки рыбацкие;
  • легинсы [штаны];
  • ливреи;
  • лифы;
  • майки спортивные;
  • манжеты;
  • манишки;
  • мантильи;
  • манто;
  • маски для лица [одежда], не предназначенные для медицинских или санитарных целей;
  • маски для сна;
  • меха [одежда];
  • митенки;
  • митры [церковный головной убор];
  • муфты [одежда];
  • муфты для ног неэлектрические;
  • нагрудники детские, за исключением бумажных;
  • нагрудники с рукавами, за исключением бумажных;
  • накидки меховые;
  • накидки парикмахерские;
  • насадки защитные на каблуки;
  • наушники [одежда];
  • носки;
  • носки, абсорбирующие пот;
  • обувь;
  • обувь гимнастическая;
  • обувь пляжная;
  • обувь спортивная;
  • одежда;
  • одежда бумажная;
  • одежда верхняя;
  • одежда вышитая;
  • одежда готовая;
  • одежда для автомобилистов;
  • одежда для велосипедистов;
  • одежда для гимнастов;
  • одежда из искусственной кожи;
  • одежда из латекса;
  • одежда кожаная;
  • одежда непромокаемая;
  • одежда светодиодная;
  • одежда спортивная с цифровыми датчиками;
  • одежда форменная;
  • одежда, содержащая вещества для похудения;
  • окантовка металлическая для обуви;
  • орари [церковная одежда];
  • пальто;
  • панталоны [нижнее белье];
  • парки;
  • пелерины;
  • перчатки [одежда];
  • перчатки без пальцев;
  • перчатки велосипедные;
  • перчатки водительские;
  • перчатки для лыжников;
  • перчатки теплые для устройств с сенсорным экраном;
  • пижамы;
  • плавки;
  • пластроны;
  • платки головные;
  • платки шейные;
  • платочки для нагрудных карманов;
  • платья;
  • повязки для головы [одежда];
  • подвязки;
  • подвязки для носков;
  • подвязки для чулок;
  • подкладки готовые [элементы одежды];
  • подмышники;
  • подошвы для обуви;
  • подтяжки;
  • полуботинки;
  • полуботинки на шнурках;
  • пончо;
  • пояса [белье нижнее];
  • пояса [одежда];
  • пояса церемониальные;
  • пояса-кошельки [одежда];
  • пояса-шарфы;
  • приданое для новорожденного [одежда];
  • приспособления, препятствующие скольжению обуви;
  • пуловеры;
  • пятки для чулок двойные;
  • ранты для обуви;
  • ризы [церковное облачение];
  • рубашки;
  • сабо [обувь];
  • сандалии;
  • сандалии банные;
  • сапоги;
  • сарафаны;
  • сари;
  • саронги;
  • свитера;
  • союзки для обуви;
  • стельки;
  • стихари;
  • тапочки банные;
  • тоги;
  • трикотаж [одежда];
  • трусы;
  • туфли;
  • туфли комнатные;
  • тюбетейки;
  • тюрбаны;
  • уборы головные;
  • фартуки [одежда];
  • форма для дзюдо;
  • форма для карате;
  • футболки;
  • футболки компрессионные [рашгарды];
  • халаты;
  • халаты купальные;
  • цилиндры;
  • части обуви носочные;
  • чулки;
  • чулки, абсорбирующие пот;
  • шали;
  • шапки бумажные [одежда];
  • шапочки для душа;
  • шапочки купальные;
  • шарфы;
  • шарфы-трубы;
  • шипы для бутс;
  • шляпы;
  • штанишки детские [белье нижнее];
  • штрипки;
  • шубы;

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The Eras Tour movie will be available to rent on Apple TV+, Vudu, Prime Video, Xfinity, Google Play and YouTube in the US, Canada and additional countries, beginning on Swift’s 34th birthday – 13 December. Along with the extended version of the movie, the pop star noted that three extra songs – “Wildest Dreams”, “The Archer” and “Long Live” – will be included.
The extended version of the Eras Tour film will be available to rent on Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Vudu, Xfinity, YouTube and Google TV. The recording of Swift’s historic tour has a “suggested rental price” of CDN$19.89. Some fans are bound to be upset that the song Cardigan, which Swift performs nightly on tour, is still cut from the new extended version.
Elon Musk’s X sued the watchdog group Media Matters for America for defamation on Monday. The nonprofit published a report about ads for major brands appearing alongside posts touting Nazism. X claimed in the suit that Media Matters “knowingly and maliciously manufactured’ an account that manipulated the company's algorithm to see offending content.
Media watchdog Media Matters reported that corporate ads from IBM, Apple, Oracle, and Comcast's Xfinity were appearing alongside antisemitic content on X. Elon Musk's X Corp is suing liberal media advocacy group Media Matters for allegedly manipulating the social media platform's algorithms and fabricating posts.
X is alleging Media Matters defamed the platform after it published a report that said adverts for major brands had appeared next to posts touting Nazism. On Saturday, Musk said X would file a 'thermonuclear' lawsuit against Media Matters.
Elon Musk’s X sued the watchdog group Media Matters for America for defamation on Monday. The nonprofit published a report about ads for major brands appearing alongside posts touting Nazism. X claimed in the suit that Media Matters “knowingly and maliciously manufactured” an account that manipulated the company's algorithm to see offending content.
Elon Musk's X Corp is suing liberal media advocacy group Media Matters for allegedly manipulating the social media platform's algorithms and fabricating posts. Media Matters had reported last week that it had discovered corporate ads from IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity appearing alongside anti-Semitic content.
The White House also called Elon Musk's reply an "unacceptable" act. A Media Matters' report showed ads for Apple, International Business Machines Corp., Oracle Corp., Comcast Corp.'s Xfinity brand and the Bravo television network next to pro-Nazi content.
Lionsgate, Comcast, IBM, European Commission and CBS News suspend advertising on X. Big advertisers including IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity have had their ads appear next to Nazi-themed content.
The European Union, Apple, Disney, and Lionsgate are some of the companies which have stopped advertising on X. Media Matters reported earlier that X ads for companies like Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity had been placed near antisemitic content.
X Corp will be filing a lawsuit against Media Matters and those who attacked social media platform X, Elon Musk said on Saturday. Media watchdog Media Matters earlier this week said it found that corporate advertisements by IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity were being placed alongside antisemitic content.
X Corp, formerly known as Twitter, will file a lawsuit against Media Matters and those who attacked social media platform X, Elon Musk said on Saturday. Media watchdog group Media Matters for America said it found that corporate advertisements by IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity were being placed alongside antisemitic content.
Elon Musk sparks backlash once again, this time for his antisemitic comments regarding Israel-Hamas war. Media giants like Disney and Lionsgate, as well as Apple to pause advertisements from X. The controversy broke out over unmoderated antisemitism on X, which is owned by Musk.
Elon Musk announced on Saturday that X Corp is gearing up to initiate legal action against Media Matters and individuals involved in the assault on social media platform X. Media Matters, a media watchdog, reported earlier this week that it discovered corporate advertisements from IBM, Apple, Oracle, and Comcast's Xfinity were appearing alongside antisemitic content.
Elon Musk said X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and others. Media watchdog Media Matters earlier this week said it found that corporate advertisements by IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity were being placed alongside antisemitic content.
Lionsgate, Comcast, IBM, European Commission and CBS News suspend advertising on X. Big advertisers including IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity have had their ads appear next to Nazi-themed content.
X Corp will be filing a lawsuit against Media Matters and those who attacked social media platform X, Elon Musk said on Saturday. Media watchdog Media Matters earlier this week said it found that corporate advertisements by IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast’s Xfinity were being placed alongside antisemitic content. Musk correctly pointed out that the ADL had previously targeted and attacked white people.
X Corp plans to initiate legal action against Media Matters and individuals involved in the assault on social media platform X, according to Elon Musk. Media Matters, a media watchdog, reported earlier this week that it discovered corporate advertisements from IBM, Apple, Oracle, and Comcast's Xfinity were appearing alongside antisemitic content.
Elon Musk said his social media platform X will be "filing a thermonuclear lawsuit" against Media Matters and "all those who colluded" Media Matters shared a report Thursday that showed "white nationalist and antisemitic conspiracy theories" content on X. Apple, Disney, and IBM pulled ad spending this week.
The billionaire, 52, has promised to hit back against what he claims is a 'fraudulent attack' on his company by media watchdog Media Matters for America. He sparked a firestorm on Wednesday by responding to a man who claimed: 'Jewish communities have been pushing dialectical hatred against whites' Media Matters found that corporate advertisements by IBM, Apple, Oracle and Comcast's Xfinity were being placed alongside antisemitic content.

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