Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 02.12.2029








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NICE Classification

  • Plant-based snack foods, namely, seed-based snack foods and vegetable-based snack foods;
    plant-based fish substitutes comprised of grains and vegetables;
    dairy substitutes, made primarily or derived from seeds, nuts, soy and/or other plants, namely, non-dairy butter, non-dairy margarine, non-dairy raw cheese, non-dairy raw cottage cheese, non-dairy raw cream cheese, artificial or non-dairy cream, non-dairy yogurt, non-dairy milk, non-dairy half and half, non-dairy buttermilk, non-dairy and non-alcoholic eggnog, non-dairy sour cream, artificial whipping cream, artificial whipped cream, non-dairy based dips excluding salsa and other sauces, and non-dairy cheese powder;
    substitutes for foods made from animals or animal products, namely, vegetable-based burger patties;
    meat substitutes;
    substitutes for food, namely, plant-based meat substitutes, plant-based fish substitutes, and plant-based chicken substitutes.;

NICE Classification

  • Loyalty, incentive and bonus program services;
    administration of a customer loyalty program which provides monetary and non-monetary rewards for purchase, advocacy and referrals for gift cards, t-shirts, socks, fanny packs, water bottles, tote bags, stickers, pins and sweepstakes events and experiences;
    arranging and conducting incentive reward programs to promote the sale of burgers and other products at restaurants and grocery stores and other retail and food establishments;
    sales promotion through customer loyalty programs;
    business administration of consumer loyalty programs;
    business administration of consumer loyalty programs involving discounts or incentives;
    customer loyalty program services for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes;
    customer loyalty and incentive program services for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes;
    customer loyalty, discount and incentive program services for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes;
    promoting the goods and services of others by means of the issuance of loyalty rewards cards;
    electronic billboard advertising;
    advertising and marketing services provided by means of social media;
    providing business information in the field of social media;
    digital advertising services.;

NICE Classification

  • Providing of food and drink via a mobile truck;
    catering services;
    restaurant services;
    café services, cafeterias, snack bar services, and the provision of food and beverages in restaurants and cafés;
    making reservations and bookings for meals and beverages;
    catering services for meals and beverages.;

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Trademark catalog

İPTAL 1073