Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 29.03.2032


United States







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My Nine Till Five



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • fitness boot camps;
  • aerial fitness instruction;
  • arranging and conducting of fitness classes;
  • conducting fitness classes;
  • consulting services in the fields of fitness and exercise;
  • counseling services in the field of physical fitness;
  • educational services, namely, providing cognitive fitness programs for seniors;
  • golf fitness instruction;
  • personal fitness training services;
  • personal fitness training services and consultancy;
  • personal fitness training services featuring aerobic and anaerobic activities combined with resistance and flexibility training;
  • personal trainer services;
  • physical fitness assessment services for sports training purposes;
  • physical fitness conditioning classes;
  • physical fitness consultation;
  • physical fitness instruction;
  • physical fitness studio services, namely, providing exercise classes, body sculpting classes, and group fitness classes;
  • physical fitness studio services, namely, providing group exercise instruction, equipment, and facilities;
  • physical fitness training of individuals and groups;
  • physical fitness training services;
  • physical fitness training services using pilates apparatuses, pilates training techniques and tennis techniques to improve core strength, endurance and match play for tennis players in order to prevent tennis-related injuries and assist in the rehabilitation process of injured tennis players;
  • providing fitness and exercise facilities;
  • providing fitness and exercise studio services, namely, pilates instruction and training;
  • providing fitness and exercise studio services, namely, providing pilates apparatuses and tennis training equipment;
  • providing a web site featuring information on exercise and fitness;
  • providing a website featuring information on exercise and fitness;
  • providing an interactive website featuring information and links relating to fitness;
  • providing an on-line computer database featuring information regarding exercise and fitness;
  • providing classes, workshops, seminars and camps in the fields of fitness, exercise, boxing, kick boxing and mixed martial arts;
  • providing general fitness and mixed martial arts facilities that require memberships and are focused in the fields of general fitness, exercise, and mixed martial arts;
  • providing information about fitness via a website;
  • providing information about exercise and fitness via a website;
  • providing personal training and physical fitness consultation to corporate clients to help their employees make physical fitness, strength, conditioning, and exercise alterations in their daily living;
  • providing personal training and physical fitness consultation to individuals to help them make physical fitness, strength, conditioning, and exercise improvement in their daily living;
  • providing physical fitness and exercise service, namely, indoor cycling and yoga instruction;
  • virtual physical fitness training services;

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Trademark catalog

95 412
950 35
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951 28
952 5
95306 5
954 22
955 17
956 5
958 21