Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 15.05.2032


United States







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Genesis Lab, Inc.



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • providing a web-based service featuring technology enabling users to participate in a recorded audio or audio-video job interview, including responding in real time to a set of technical questions and challenges pertaining to the field of software programming as part of an on-line screening and interview process;
  • design and developing computer software for use in diagnosing mental conditions or problems;
  • design and developing computer software to enable showing, displaying, or providing interactive content over the internet or other communications network;
  • design and developing computer software to enable showing, displaying, or providing audio and video content over the internet or other communications network;
  • design and developing interactive content creation computer software;
  • design and developing computer software for use in on-line chat or videoconferencing;
  • design and developing online video interviewing computer software;
  • design and developing computer software for use in ai-based automatic assessment of job candidates;
  • design and developing computer software using ai-based analysis to interpret human emotions;
  • design and developing computer software using artificial intelligence for talent assessment of job candidates;
  • design and developing computer software for generating ai-based virtual human;
  • design and developing automotive computer software for use in advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving functions;
  • developing defense software for military command and control system including large scale monitoring and surveillance;
  • providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in online mental health diagnosis;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable computer software for use in online mental health diagnosis;
  • providing online non-downloadable computer software to enable showing, displaying, or providing interactive content over the internet or other communications network;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable computer software to enable showing, displaying, or providing interactive content over the internet or other communications network;
  • providing online non-downloadable interactive content creation computer software;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable interactive content creation computer software;
  • providing online non-downloadable chat software for use in on-line chat or videoconferencing;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable chat software for use in on-line chat or videoconferencing;
  • providing online non-downloadable interview computer software for use in online interviews;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable interview computer software for use in online interviews;
  • providing on-line non-downloadable computer software for use in ai-based automatic assessment of job candidates;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable computer software for use in ai-based automatic assessment of job candidates;
  • providing online non-downloadable computer software for use in ai-based analysis to interpret human emotions;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable software for use in ai-based analysis to interpret human emotions;
  • providing online non-downloadable software using artificial intelligence for talent assessment of job candidates;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable software using artificial intelligence for talent assessment of job candidates;
  • providing online non-downloadable software for generating ai-based virtual human;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable software for generating ai-based virtual human;
  • providing non-downloadable automotive software for use in advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving functions;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable automotive software for use in advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving functions;
  • providing non-downloadable defense software for military command and control system including large scale monitoring and surveillance;
  • providing a website featuring non-downloadable defense software for military command and control system including large scale monitoring and surveillance;

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