Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 09.05.2032


United States







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Seeq Corporation



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • application service provider (asp) featuring software for use to store and analyze time series data from commercial processes;
  • application service provider (asp), namely, hosting computer software applications of others;
  • business technology software consultation services;
  • cloud computing featuring software for use in storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • computer monitoring service which tracks application software performance, performs periodic maintenance and provides reports and alerts concerning such performance;
  • computer network design and computer software design for the storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • computer services, namely, acting as an application service provider in the field of information management to host computer application software for the purpose of storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • computer services, namely, designing and implementing software for storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes for others;
  • computer software development in the field of storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • computer software development, computer programming and maintenance of computer software for storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems for others;
  • consulting services in the field of hosting computer software applications;
  • consulting services in the field of providing online, non-downloadable software and applications;
  • consulting services in the field of software as a service (saas);
  • design and development of computer software for storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • design, development, installation and maintenance of computer software;
  • providing on-line non-downloadable software for storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for storing and analyzing time series data from commercial processes;
  • technical consulting services in the fields of datacenter architecture, public and private cloud computing solutions, and evaluation and implementation of internet technology and services;
  • technical support services, namely, remote administration and management of in-house and hosted datacenter devices, databases and software applications;

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