Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 11.05.2032


United States







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Revolution X



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for software for playing virtual reality computer games providing rewards in cryptocurrency and the ability to buy virtual items using cryptocurrency;
  • computer services, namely, creating an on-line community for registered users to participate in discussions, get feedback from their peers, form virtual communities, and engage in social networking services in the field of gaming, e-sports, and competitions;
  • design and development of computer game software;
  • design and development of computer game software and virtual reality software;
  • platform as a service (paas) featuring computer software platforms for gaming and e-sports;
  • providing a website featuring on-line non- downloadable software that enables users to manage, trade, and spend cryptocurrency;
  • providing a website featuring on- line non-downloadable software that enables users to create and sell downloadable artwork authenticated by nonfungible tokens;
  • providing a website featuring technology that enables users to to upload and share user-generated content;
  • providing on-line non-downloadable computer software for use as a cryptocurrency wallet;
  • providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for accessing, reading, and tracking information in the field of online gaming on a blockchain;
  • providing temporary use of on- line non-downloadable software for accessing, reading, and tracking information in the field of online gaming on a blockchain;
  • providing temporary use of on-line non- downloadable computer software for use as a digital wallet;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for enabling users to broadcast and view live game play;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for enabling users to collaborate with others while participating in gaming and e-sports;
  • software as a service (saas) services, namely, hosting software for use by others for virtual reality computer games providing rewards in cryptocurrency and the ability to buy virtual items using cryptocurrency;
  • providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable computer software for use as an electronic wallet;

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