Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 13.05.2032


United States






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PowerSchool Group, LLC



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • providing an online searchable computer database containing job listings, resume postings and other job search information;
  • providing an online searchable database featuring employment opportunities for workers seeking full time employment, part time and temporary work, volunteer work, and community employment;
  • providing online employment information via a website in the fields of recruitment, careers, job resources and listings, resumes, and interview skills;

NICE Classification

US Classification

  • career counseling services, namely providing information relating to admissions, college guidance and planning, and graduate and professional school entry;
  • providing information relating to selecting a college or vocational school;
  • providing information relating to selecting courses to meet graduation requirements and educational goals;

NICE Classification

US Classification

  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable software to prepare middle and high school students for success after graduation, including providing information about career options, education options, and life options;
  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable software that allows educators to build the essential mindsets and skillsets for students' long-term success, including providing information about preparing for careers, preparing for further education, and preparing for life after graduation;
  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable software to enable students to learn about career options, based on personalized student-input data, and providing personalized information reports about different college programs aimed at a selected career;
  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable software to enable students to learn about career options in a personalized learning environment;
  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable software to enable students to learn about career options in a blended learning environment that is self-paced or is supervised by an adult counselor, teacher, or parent;
  • providing on-line non-downloadable software used for facilitating college and career readiness through personalized content and academic preparation;
  • providing use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in posting personal employment information and documents to online employment databases, and tracking data of applicants seeking employment;
  • providing access to a recruitment engine, namely, providing online search engines for obtaining employment information from the internet;
  • providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in recruitment;
  • providing use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in posting jobs to job boards, capturing online applications, tracking applications and applicants, and managing applications and applicants;
  • user authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications;
  • providing use of on-line non-downloadable single sign-on software;
  • software as a service (saas) featuring a computer software platform enabling individual authentication, single sign-on, for bi-directional data integration, secure data exchange, and streamlining data management;

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