Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 13.05.2032


United States






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UpSmith, Inc.



NICE Classification

US Classification

  • downloadable computer software;
  • downloadable computer software for providing online courses, classes, boot camps, trainings, seminars, programs, workshops, conferences, and apprenticeships for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;
  • downloadable computer software that allows users to upload, access, store, maintain, track, and manage online records;
  • downloadable computer software for that facilitates educational services, training services, career services, workforce assessment, and employee matching services;

NICE Classification

US Classification

  • employment hiring, recruiting, training, placement, staffing, referral, and career networking services;
  • employee, personnel, and workforce management services;
  • employee education and skills development tracking;
  • providing an online searchable database featuring employment opportunities, job descriptions, employment skills and requirements, and career paths;
  • workforce development by means of administering tests to determine job skills;
  • workforce consulting and assessment services;

NICE Classification

US Classification

  • educational services;
  • educational services, namely, providing educational courses, classes, boot camps, trainings, seminars, programs, workshops, internships, conferences, and apprenticeships for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;
  • educational services, namely, providing certification programs and vocational programs;
  • providing training for certification in the field of vocational trades;
  • verification of professional credentials for others in the field of vocational trades;
  • providing training in business and job skills;
  • career counseling services;
  • educational services, namely, conducting seminars and workshops in the field of teaching job skills, vocational instruction, career development, vocational guidance and job-readiness;
  • design of educational programming, courses, examinations, credentialing, and qualifications, namely, developing curriculum for others for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;
  • consulting services to businesses relating to employee assessment, training, morale, and retention;
  • providing educational assessment services;
  • education services, namely, providing online cognitive assessments and training programs that help identify cognitive strengths and weaknesses of an individual;
  • education services, namely, providing online non-cognitive assessments and training programs that help identify non-cognitive strengths and weaknesses of an individual;

NICE Classification

US Classification

  • non-downloadable computer software;
  • non-downloadable computer software for providing online courses, classes, boot camps, trainings, seminars, programs, workshops, conferences, and apprenticeships for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;
  • non-downloadable computer software for providing an online database that allows users to upload, access, store, maintain, track, and manage online records;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for providing online courses, classes, boot camps, trainings, seminars, programs, workshops, conferences, and apprenticeships for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software that facilitates educational services, training services, career services, workforce assessment, and employee matching services;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for record management;
  • non-downloadable computer software and software as a service (saas) services featuring software for uploading, accessing, storing, maintaining, tracking, and managing online records;
  • software as a service (saas) services featuring software for providing learning assessments, certifications, learning and teaching programs, training programs, study guides, educational supplements, and all provided in the fields of higher education, continuing education, vocational training, technical training, employee training, knowledge assessment, and learning;
  • platform as a service (paas) services featuring computer software platforms for providing online courses, classes, boot camps, trainings, seminars, programs, workshops, conferences, and apprenticeships for workforce development, vocational preparation, vocational education, and job skill development;

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