Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 27.10.2033









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KlimaTime Group AB, Rygatan --, SE-431 -- Mölndal, (SE)


VAMO VARUMÄRKESOMBUDET AB, Kungsportsavenyen --, SE-402 -- Göteborg, (SE)


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  • English
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      • French

NICE Classification

  • Retailing relating to sanitary installations and water supply and sanitary facilities;
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: installations, in relation to the following fields: water purification services, desalinating and conditioning;
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: heating equipment, aerator equipment, air conditioning and purification equipment [ambient];
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: HVAC systems [heating, ventilation and air conditioning];
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: air-conditioning systems, air-conditioning installations, heating installations, ventilation devices, multi-ventilation devices and heat pumps;
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: solar cells, photovoltaic inverters, roofing incorporating solar cells, energy-generating installations;
  • retail and wholesale services, in relation to the following goods: batteries, batteries for energy storage, energy storage system, energy storage units, charging stations and charging boxes for vehicles;

NICE Classification

  • Building, construction and demolition;
  • installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: sanitary facilities and water supply and sanitation equipment;
  • installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: installation services, in relation to the following fields: water purification, desalination and conditioning;
  • installation, cleaning, maintenance and repair of equipment for heating, ventilating, air conditioning and purification [ambient];
  • installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: HVAC systems (heat, ventilation and air conditioning), installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: air-conditioning systems, air-conditioning installations, heating systems, ventilating equipment, multi-ventilation devices and heat pumps;
  • installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: of solar cells, photovoltaic inverters, roofing incorporating solar cells, energy-generating installations;
  • installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance, in relation to the following goods: batteries, batteries for energy storage, energy storage system (ESS), energy storage units, charging stations and charging boxes for vehicles;
  • plumbing installation, maintenance and repair;
  • advice, consultancy and information relating to the aforesaid, included in this class;

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