Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 13.06.2033








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Noèse, -- rue de Chartres, F-92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, (FR)


Cabinet Marli, Madame Lise Rahou, -- rue Lincoln, F-75008 Paris, (FR)


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  • English
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      • French

NICE Classification

  • Software that allows users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • software platforms that allow users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • software applications for mobile phones and tablets in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search assistance;
  • computer databases in the field of academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search assistance;
  • computer platforms in the nature of registered or downloadable software relating to the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search assistance;
  • all the aforesaid goods relating to cognitive sciences and subsequent analysis of the data collected;

NICE Classification

  • Telecommunications, access to content, sites, software applications and Internet portals that enable users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • providing access to content, sites and Internet portals that enable users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • transmission and collection of electronic messages in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • communication of information and data by electronic means to enable users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • electronic communication in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search via chat rooms, chat lines and Internet forums;
  • communications via a global computer network or the Internet in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • dissemination of online documents relating to academic and vocational guidance as well as to recruitment and job search via a global computer network;
  • sending and exchange of messages in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search via a website, a mobile application or by electronic means;
  • providing user access to an website, a mobile application or tablet allowing users to arrange for support for academic and vocational guidance and to assist in recruiting and seeking employment;
  • providing access to databases on the Internet relating to academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • providing access to online multimedia content in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • providing access to information on the Internet in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • providing access to Internet platforms for persons to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and job search and recruitment assistance;
  • electronic exchange of data stored in databases accessible via telecommunication networks in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • transmission and collection of messages in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • communication services via computer networks in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • transmission of information by computer, mobile phones and tablets in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • data transmission and reception services, computerized documents, content on mobile applications, on websites and on applications for tablets that enable users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and assistance in recruitment and seeking employment;
  • providing e-mail notification alerts via the Internet;
  • all the aforesaid services relating to cognitive sciences and subsequent analysis of the data collected;

NICE Classification

  • Computer services, namely, creating, developing, updating, maintaining and programming software or software platforms that allow users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • design, creation and programming of web pages in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • design of web portals in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • design and development of data storage systems in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • configuration of software in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • configuration of computer systems and networks in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • creating, maintaining and hosting websites in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • development of software application solutions in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • installation of software in the field of academic and vocational guidance and recruitment;
  • rental of software in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • software as a service [SaaS] in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • software as a service [SaaS] enabling users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • programming of software or software platforms to allow users to set up support for academic and vocational guidance and recruitment and job search assistance;
  • research and development of software, software platforms, websites in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • providing search engines for the Internet, in the field of academic and vocational guidance, recruitment and job search;
  • all the aforesaid services relating to cognitive sciences and subsequent analysis of the data collected;

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