Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 14.03.2033








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4Source electronics AG, Glacisstraße -- - --, 01099 Dresden, (DE)




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  • English
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      • French

NICE Classification

  • Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity, in particular, apparatus and instruments for accumulating and storing electricity, apparatus and instruments for controlling electricity, photovoltaic apparatus for generating electricity, electrical and electronic components, including the following products: cables and wires, electrical circuits and circuit boards as well as antennas and aerials as components;
  • information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, in particular, communications equipment, including the following products: computer networking and data communications equipment, point-to-point communications equipment, broadcasting equipment as well as antennas and aerials as communications apparatus;
  • information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, in particular, storage devices and media, replicating apparatus, including the following products: photocopiers, image scanners and printers;
  • information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, in particular, data processing equipment and accessories (electrical and mechanical), including the following products: calculators, ticket dispensers, terminals for payment transactions, money dispensing and sorting devices, computers and computer hardware, including computer components and parts;
  • information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, in particular, audio, visual and photographic apparatus, including the following products: audio devices and radio receivers, devices with a screen, television receivers as well as film and video equipment as well as image capturing and developing devices, signal cables for IT, AV and telecommunication;
  • navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices;
  • measuring, detecting, monitoring and controlling devices, in particular, testing and quality control devices, measuring devices, including the following products: time measuring instruments (not including clocks and watches), weight measuring instruments, distance and dimension measuring instruments, speed measuring instruments, temperature measuring instruments and electricity measuring instruments;
  • measuring, detecting, monitoring and controlling devices, in particular, controllers and regulators, data loggers and recorders, sensors, detectors and monitoring instruments;
  • parts and replacement parts for all the aforesaid goods;

NICE Classification

  • Business intermediary services, in relation to the following goods: apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity, related parts, replacement parts therefore, in particular, electric and electronic components;
  • business intermediary services, in relation to the following goods: information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, related parts, replacement parts therefore, in particular, computers, computer hardware, computer components and parts, business intermediary services, in relation to the following goods: navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map-making devices, related parts, replacement parts therefore;
  • business intermediary services, in relation to the following goods: measuring, detecting, monitoring and testing apparatus, related parts, replacement parts therefore;
  • retail and wholesale services in relation to: apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity, related parts, replacement parts therefore, in particular, electric and electronic components;
  • retail and wholesale services in relation to: information technology and audio-visual, multimedia and photographic devices, related parts, replacement parts therefore, in particular, computers, computer hardware, computer components and parts;
  • retail and wholesale services in relation to: navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map-making devices, related parts, replacement parts therefore;
  • retail and wholesale services in relation to: measuring, detecting, monitoring and testing apparatus, related parts, replacement parts therefore;
  • advertising, marketing and promotional services;
  • business assistance, management and administrative services;
  • providing business information relating to the price and availability of electric and electronic goods, in particular, electric and electronic components, hardware, hardware components, parts and replacement parts for all the aforesaid goods, from potential suppliers at the request of potential purchasing parties, and arranging commercial transactions between these potential purchasing parties and suppliers";
  • all the aforesaid services other than the providing, production, import, export and distribution of advertising materials, for others;

NICE Classification

  • IT services, in particular IT consultancy, advisory and information services and IT security and protection services;
  • scientific and technological services, in particular engineering services;
  • testing, authentication and quality control;
  • design services;
  • all the aforesaid services, other than the following services: consultancy with regard to the design of homepages and internet pages, designing and creating homepages and internet pages, rental and maintenance of memory space for use as websites for others (hosting), providing or rental of electronic memory space on the internet (webspace);

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