Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 08.08.2033








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Woco Industrietechnik GmbH, Hanauer Landstraße --, 63628 Bad Soden-Salmünster (DE)


SKM-IP Schmid Krauß Kuttenkeuler Malescha Schieler Patenanwälte PartGmbB, Oberanger --, 80331 München, (DE)


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NICE Classification

  • Parts and structural components of elastomers and/or plastic, or of these materials combined with other materials, in particular combined with metal or ceramic, or wholly of common metals being mechanical parts of technical machines, apparatus, couplings and motors of all types;
  • shock- and damping-reducing mechanical parts adapted to machines made of elastomers and/or plastic, or of these materials in combination with other materials, in particular combined with metal or ceramics, or only of common metals for anchorage- free vibration- and shock-insulating machine installation;
  • polyurethane springs and diaphgram pressure cylinders being parts of machines or machine tools;

NICE Classification

  • Protective face masks for medical use;
  • masks for use by medical personnel;
  • high filter surgical masks;
  • masks to prevent contagion;

NICE Classification

  • Ventilating installations, water supply installations and sanitary installations, structural components for the aforesaid installations and parts therefor, in particular of elastomers and/or plastic, or of these materials combined with other materials, in particular combined with metal or ceramic, or wholly of common metals;
  • heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations and parts therefor for automobiles;

NICE Classification

  • Vehicle parts, as far as included in this class, in particular automobile parts and structural components, particular spare parts and components therefor of elastomers and/or plastic, or of these materials combined with other materials, in particular combined with metal or ceramic, or wholly of common metals;
  • elastomer-metal bearings and bearing systems, in particular for arranging the bearings in motors and engines, and in driving gears;
  • active and passive parts and structural components for damping and reducing vibrations of all types in vehicles, in particular in automobiles;
  • valves, line systems, driving gears and control units, and parts therefor for hydraulic and pneumatic supply and control systems in automobiles;
  • elastic and dampening suspensions of all type for vehicles, in particular automobiles, in particular for suction pipe and exhaust pipe bands and components thereof;
  • gear control and steering units, and components and parts therefor, in particular for gear boxes;

NICE Classification

  • Sound-absorbing materials;
  • the aforementioned goods consisting predominantly of elastomers and/or plastics, whether or not combined with other materials;
  • non-crosslinked and pre-crosslinked rubber mixtures;
  • dynamic and static seals and sealing collars for vehicles, in particular automobiles;
  • seals and sealing systems consisting essentially of seals for use in drinking water and waste water pipes or systems or for use in gas supply systems;

NICE Classification

  • Planning, development and drawing up of design worksheets for industrial technology installations, units, structural components, parts and materials, in particular for the automobile industry, for waste water technology and for electrotechnical and electronic component parts;

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